Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Help us, please

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you will have noticed that the Republican Party in Raleigh has pulled a U-turn on progress in North Carolina. From draconian budget cuts that undermine public education to radical gerrymandering of electoral districts to the Anti-Marriage Amendment to discriminate against gay citizens, our state is going to hell in a handbasket - fast.

Fortunately, there is one language the Tarheel Taliban do understand: money.

For business people. If you are a person who decides where meetings, conferences, tradeshows, and such are held, our request is simple. Choose another state, and let the leaders of North Carolina know about your decision.

For individuals who don't live in North Carolina. Spend your vacation dollars somewhere else.

Those of us already here in North Carolina who believe in freedom and equality are working like crazy to oust the Tarheel Taliban from office. Whatever support you can provide from beyond our borders will be most appreciated.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Let us eat cake

Despite all the talk about freedom in Raleigh, political leaders hate the idea of local governments controlling their own destinies. In the balance of power, the state is an 8000-pound gorilla compared to cities, towns and counties. Raleigh calls the shots.

Sure it's chiseled into the state constitution (something few seem to care about these days), but should it really be this way? Don't market advocates value experimentation and competitive diversity? Why should the state be tightening its grip on local government options right now? The need for new solutions is urgent.

Why not let cities and counties compete at whatever level they want? Why not give cities and counties completely free reign?

My county could kick butt. Especially if I could open a casino.

have been captive

held hostage for two weeks by my corporate masters
need to escape
they want to see my papers

Sunday, April 3, 2011



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Unauthorized time travel

Creationists in Texas will have their heads 'sploding to discover that (gasp!) human beings lived on Lone Star land more than 15,000 years ago, 9,000 years before the earth was even formed! If those suckers had tried living in Skipstamistan, they'd have been put to death for unauthorized time travel.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Don't argue with ideologues

As an irrelevant "person" in Skipscamistan, this handy-dandy chart will explain why you have no business talking to the Powers that Be.